Friday, July 30, 2004


1. My  mom took my cell phone away house number is 364-0681 if you need to get ahold of me.

2. I'm grounded from the computer.

3. I can only leave the house until 6pm to go to Charlestown Beach, and under no circumstance am I allowed to leave the beach with any of my friends.

4. I'm not allowed to go to Providence, any concerts, and no one is permitted to sleepover.

These new regulations are going to be held until my mother decides to let me off.... and all because I didn't put a dozen dishes away before I left with some friends.

Thanks Jamie and Corrinne for our awesome 5 day adventures, and all the help at Jamies house.  Jamie, make sure to thank your mother again for me!  Even though she mocked me for asking your mother for help....I think it made her aware that paul and I aren't the only ones that know what she did...and what she can't do again, because now I'm not running away from all my friends.



My mother took my cell phone away,  and as she says forever.... she is giving it to my brother after she changes the until I find enough money to buy a cheap one, my number at home is 364-0681.

I'm only allowed out of my house from the morning until 6pm at Charlestown Beach, and I'm not allowed to leave the beach in any circumstance.

I'm not allowed to go to  Providence, or to anymore concerts, and no one can sleep over anymore.

I'm not sure how long I won't be able to use the computer, or how long any of these restrictions will last....but my mother says "until she feels good and ready."

Hope to see you guys soon I guess?? 
Thanks for all the help from Jamie, and Corrinne, and also...our 5 day adventure was so great...lets never let it end again!

Friday, July 23, 2004

What a time at two!

TheFridgeDaemon (1:44:46 AM): danielle, if you were a food you'd be a  pinepple cheesecake

Pineapple  Cheesecake, eh??

1. Hard Crust- It is hard to get all the way through me and understand some of my crazy ways.  Also, how my backround has shaped me in a curvey way...just like the top of crust.

2. Pineapple- I'm not ordinary cheesecake, or person....there is always a surprise hidden in me.

3. Whipcream- I always know how to make people laugh with jokes, and smile endlessly!

TheFridgeDaemon (1:50:06 AM): and if a bunch of aliens landed on earth and you were the first person that they saw you would say "hey guys, want to go to the beach?". And while you were all having a good time you would tell them about your life philosophies
TheFridgeDaemon (1:51:20 AM): but kelsey on the other hand,
TheFridgeDaemon (1:52:07 AM): she'd be a pear and if she was the first person that a buch of aliens saw she would tell them "Well, i'm a woman and i've got this great thing called a vagina..."
my dreamy socks (1:52:28 AM): why is kelsey a pear?
TheFridgeDaemon (1:55:16 AM): because a pear isn't any average person's favorite fruit but someone that finds pears to be genuinely special is a genuinely specail person. And pears are sort of overer looked and don't get enough credit. If you pay attetion to your pear you can lear a lot.
I don't remember how Leah switched to talking about Kelsey!  Man I miss her, my little freshman xc pet is a junior now.  When did this happen?? 

Friday, July 09, 2004



Thursday, July 08, 2004

You've been a messing where you shouldn't have been messing!

After not working for two weeks, I feel so free. My younger years of chaos, and everyday beach going was upon me and I loved it! The beach was more beautiful each day I was there from morning to sunset, and I'd go back at night for bonfires with friends.

I quit my job at Timmy's as I like to call Tim Hortons. It was absolutly awful, and I'm glad I'm out of there. It was just like Bess Eaton, except not laid back, crazy outfits, and obnoxious people. Not my cup of tea...

John "Johnny Angel" wasn't given me hours, and I think I only complained once throughout the two weeks of nonwork because my mom was getting up my ass. I went back to work today at 3, and it was a nice change...theres fifteen more dollars in my pocket from tips, and there is this awful fish/clam smell on me!

I'm leaving this Saturday for my Aunt Sharons 50th birthday party in CT, and then going right to the Herman household for a week. Chelsea comes home for the weekend, and we have hardly spoken in months so again I hope for a nice change. For the week I'll be in Barrington I'll be in East Providence High School from 8:30am-2pm each day with Louis the EP vball coach getting my butt whooped in hours of grueling volleyball practice. I'm so excited about one going to this camp, and two staying with Eric because time with him just screams fun!!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Flying stars across netscape!


I was thinking today about in 4th grade Alicia Canning and I did this online project. It was about the time that teachers were using computers for spelling tests, and little games as prizes but no one normally used one. I read an article in a kid magazine, the ones that are handed out and you read for silent reading when you have completed your classwork.

This article was about this woman who was following Amelia Earharts route around the world, and it was being tracked online. There was a certain place where you could send her emails and talk to her via IM; I became so interested. A teacher, Mr. Lopes down the hall talked to me, and brought me to the library one day to use the computer and talk with her. It was so cool, I loved it!

Day by day I would recieve my own emails from her, and check her movement. I think it is hilarious because Mr. Lopes was teaching me how to turn on a computer, and see when the internet page was completly uploaded by the "N" in the right corner with stars flying by.

I remember how mad I was when Mr. Lopes told me I needed a "partner for a day" because the newspaper was coming to take pictures and talk to me, and they wanted two students who were doing it. So Alicia was picked because she was a good student, even though she wasn't doing my project. I so mad that I wasn't getting all the recognition, and when I look back at it now I can't help but chuckle.

Friday, July 02, 2004


I awoke suddenly from a horrific dream that I had this morning.

I was back in school, and the first scene was me and a group of people from around Chariho in the Middle School nurses office. Apparently the school was getting so sick that we needed to go to the middle school. Anyways, they changed the lunches around to have 3 all girl lunches and 3 all boy lunches but I never found out why, or I simply don't remember.

For some crazy reasons, the scene cut to me walking back from my house... to the middle school again, because I left my lunch at home with my backpack strapped over my bike. They, Kayla Messineo come out on the path on the field I use to walk from my house with, on a bike with a new hair cut. I jump on her, to see her because it was at night and I could hardly see her so apparently I thought I wanted to get a better look at this hair cut of hers.

Scene cut to us riding her bike together but she jumped off, and I had to steer by myself but I feel because I was riding her bike like I was on a horse with both of my legs to one side. I feel into a pile of something, so we ditched the bike and continued walking together. Kayla was so amazed on how I got away from the aids at our school and skipped. I was proud and said "psh, I just walked out." Then... a big van drives by and we both dive into this tree head first and I hit my head pretty hard, but she got up right away for a better hiding spot because she thought the school was onto us. I got up, and said my excuse of leaving is I left my lunch. Low and behold, it wasn't the school it was some crazy person with loads of fur! This person chased us to my grandmother’s house. It was if I was sprinting the entire way, and made it so far ahead of Kayla, and it took me so long to open her door, because I always have problems with all the locks. I made it in, and waited for her. I could hear the beasts screaming, and then the girl screams as she ran as fast as she could. She made it inside.

Scene cut to me jumping in my grandmother’s car, and running the beast over. Finally Kayla and I were silent in my grandmother’s car as we drive off in the distance of a rising sun...