What a time at two!
TheFridgeDaemon (1:44:46 AM): danielle, if you were a food you'd be a pinepple cheesecake
Pineapple Cheesecake, eh??
1. Hard Crust- It is hard to get all the way through me and understand some of my crazy ways. Also, how my backround has shaped me in a curvey way...just like the top of crust.
2. Pineapple- I'm not ordinary cheesecake, or person....there is always a surprise hidden in me.
3. Whipcream- I always know how to make people laugh with jokes, and smile endlessly!
TheFridgeDaemon (1:50:06 AM): and if a bunch of aliens landed on earth and you were the first person that they saw you would say "hey guys, want to go to the beach?". And while you were all having a good time you would tell them about your life philosophies
TheFridgeDaemon (1:51:20 AM): but kelsey on the other hand,
TheFridgeDaemon (1:52:07 AM): she'd be a pear and if she was the first person that a buch of aliens saw she would tell them "Well, i'm a woman and i've got this great thing called a vagina..."
my dreamy socks (1:52:28 AM): why is kelsey a pear?
TheFridgeDaemon (1:55:16 AM): because a pear isn't any average person's favorite fruit but someone that finds pears to be genuinely special is a genuinely specail person. And pears are sort of overer looked and don't get enough credit. If you pay attetion to your pear you can lear a lot.
I don't remember how Leah switched to talking about Kelsey! Man I miss her, my little freshman xc pet is a junior now. When did this happen??
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