Tuesday, June 22, 2004

wheres the glass?

summary of my day in ellens eyes:

Elle called me and got to my house around 11 am. It started to pour so we ran around in the rain! Then we got home and I cleaned her room.

Steve and Andrew came over to Danielle's house and we went to get some movies. We got Donnie Darko, Strange Land, and Liar Liar.

We watched movies, ate, played cards and chatted!!

After Donnie Darko Steve left and then Reed came over and we watched Strange Land.

After that Sean and Amanda showed up and we just chilled but then we went out to eat because we had to get out of the house for a little while.

We went to dinner at "The Pizza Place."

Then we bummed aroud at Wilcox Park. At the park it was Danielle, Reed, Sean, Mini, Andrew and I. We climbed trees and whatnot.

Sean and Andrew took their shirts off while climbing this one tree and we found a gameboy in the fountain.

We came home and we just chilled and then Mike Alhaverdain came over.

There was more playing of cards, eating, and playing clue!!

My friends Lisa, Jay, and Shelby came over and we all went to he beach. We just got home from there...

I'll write more about it later!!


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