Sunday, October 10, 2004


Paul and I become more alike by the day. I remember last year when he found a note in his locker reading "stop following your sisters footsteps" and it related to so many different things.

Last night at the wedding, he leans over to me and says "Danielle, I was just thinking about tonight. There is going to be so much food wasted, and all I can think about is how we are wasting it, and p eople in third world countries don't have a pot to piss in."

When Paul and I were little, we would spend a large amount of time with my Aunt Sharon in Boston. At night we would walk through the town, and along with seeing many street performers, there would also be many homeless sitting on the street with signs, sleep, or asking for change. Paul always asked why they were doing it, and he would cry because he couldn't help them.

Paul has grown up so much, I was afarid to leave for college, but I know that he will always talk to me, even if he has to ask for help, and he'll be fine when it is necessary to stay away from my mother.

Time flys when you're having fun.


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