Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Except for the whole part containing puke and having to be carried to Brianas car...

I found the best rock last night, I hope it is still in my backpack.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

wheres the glass?

summary of my day in ellens eyes:

Elle called me and got to my house around 11 am. It started to pour so we ran around in the rain! Then we got home and I cleaned her room.

Steve and Andrew came over to Danielle's house and we went to get some movies. We got Donnie Darko, Strange Land, and Liar Liar.

We watched movies, ate, played cards and chatted!!

After Donnie Darko Steve left and then Reed came over and we watched Strange Land.

After that Sean and Amanda showed up and we just chilled but then we went out to eat because we had to get out of the house for a little while.

We went to dinner at "The Pizza Place."

Then we bummed aroud at Wilcox Park. At the park it was Danielle, Reed, Sean, Mini, Andrew and I. We climbed trees and whatnot.

Sean and Andrew took their shirts off while climbing this one tree and we found a gameboy in the fountain.

We came home and we just chilled and then Mike Alhaverdain came over.

There was more playing of cards, eating, and playing clue!!

My friends Lisa, Jay, and Shelby came over and we all went to he beach. We just got home from there...

I'll write more about it later!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

I smell like ocean too!


1. school is out
2. I started work at the shack
3. Tim Hortons is the suck, I think i am going to get a better job when I get my license
4. Everyone is home and I love it
5. I've gotten really tan already
6. Tocci and Bri came from MA today!!!!
7. The beach is so beautiful
8. Last night was the best in my pirate garb
9. Emily is 21!!
10. Party on July 2nd
11. party on july 27
12. license on july 27
13. tanya comes down in july
14. less time to myself... more for everyone else
15. I don't care about stupid people from school
16. I'm not mad at you nicole...keep smiling
17. super steve smells like ocean and I love it!!


the biggest beach rat you'll ever meet!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

no you're not

Saturday, June 12, 2004

She don't look back..

Bob Dylan:

Are you female or male: Girl From The North Country
Describe yourself: Forever Young
How do some people feel about you: Driftin' Too Far From Shore
How do you feel about yourself: You're a Big Girl Now
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: It's Alright Ma
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
Describe where you want to be: Down Along The Cove
Describe what you want to be: Ragged & Dirty
Describe how you live: Like A Rolling Stone
Describe how you love: Just Like A Woman
Share a few words of wisdom: Times They Are A-Changin'

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

...imagine all the people

Today in Astronomy I was thinking about the similarities between some attitudes of people and black holes.

In a black hole all dimensions are distorted and there is no structured order, but it is a very dense place.

I occasionally wonder how others perceive their lives as holes of despair as many often do. I assume they know nothing other but distraction and many distortions of love, lust, want, and uncertainty. Just as if a frown always covered a smile, and day after day they keep closing their fingers in doors.

I can't imagine how people can think of their lives to contain such despair and confusion although I hear about it greatly. I'd be too afraid to ever think of such things. I think I'd become more flustered with the denseness of life problems or assumptions, and fluttered with distortion. I do wish people could find their own happiness and ease with problems in life.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

This is my Sun dance!!

Consequently due to my restless life lately, I've hardly had time to be online, and update my blog.

Senior Prom was a couple weeks ago, I thoroughly have to thank Steve for everything! I had an awesome time. Quick prom overview: at the Newport Marriott, limo with great people, sex readings, better music than jr, saw all my friends for one last time all dressed up and happy before they leave for college, great dances with everyone, Aaron=beautiful man, all my ladies= Grade A meat, dinner=good, crazy limo man takes us to a Bickfords in Seekonk, and falling asleep on Steve!

After Prom was so great as well! Quick after prom overview: got to Karyn’s after 2 am, told Steve to sleep in chair, took some sleepy pictures, got up early, bagels/donuts/juice, Steve sex photo shoot(which Joeli still has to give me the cd with the pictures on), beach!!

Of course the ball keeps rolling, on my adventures. Next on my "shopping list" was a trip up to NH. Although Bonnie couldn't accompany Andrew, Jaq, and I we still drove up to see a Bob Dylan concert. I had never seen him live, and was gleefully excited. The concert proved very good, although Dylan did bark into the microphone. I still believe all the people there didn't care about his voice, they came to see a legend and for the music. Look at Janis Joplin, her voice was scratchy like Dylan’s but she is one of my favorite artists of all time for everything she put into her music (drug induced or not)! It was an incredible experience from the concert, to the people we stayed with, to the beauty of the landscape, to Andrews cottage on the lake. The house was absolutely beautiful, a house which I would live all year round. All doors made of red oak, and low ceilings, a small stairway and an overgrowing garden in front. Absolute bliss...


Volleyball meeting= uuuuuggggghhh.... I have to go over to the junior high in 5th period a couple days this week so I can recruit eighth grade girls, because there is a small amount of girls coming back next year.

Liz Capalbo...?
Liz J
Liz F

Others trying out=3
Freshman=3 so far

"With your forces combined. I am captain planet"