Monday, May 31, 2004

This is for all the lonely people

..Thinking that life passed you bye

I went out the other night with my friends Shelana and Adam W, from East Greenwich. The short time we spent in Narragansett walking along the wall I got a small glimpse of how it could have been for me to be innocent, and free. Shelana ran from Adam and I down the road and Adam turned to me, and said "I feel like her father!" So we chased her across the road, while she dodged cars. I couldn't help but toss my head back and laugh uncontrollably! She was walking respectfully for a little while, so Adam and I walked about 20 feet behind her "stalking" her. She suddenly jumped the wall to the ground "tons of rocks." We saw her jump and we both hesitated then bolted to see her on the ground. We ran to about where we thought she was and looked down and didn't see anything. If I was a spectator to our circus it would have seemed hilarious, but at the time both Adam and I were nervous. We frantically ran up and down trying to find a glimpse of her to be reassured. Nothing...then 50 ft from where we came from we heard a cry, and turned 180 degrees and ran in that direction. Shelana popped up from the bushes laughing, and we chased her down!!! The night continued with Shelana using Adam as a horse, and galloping down the street. I went and sat on the edge of the ocean looking out at the Newport Bridge. The moon reflected upon each wave in the ocean so beautifully I couldn't stop looking at it. Later, Adam can and sat down with me, put his arm around me and asked me what was wrong. Of course nothing is wrong; what do you have against a dreamer looking at her dreams. Shelana decided to go very close to the water and arisen tension in me again. I noticed right next to me a rock that reminded me of the movie "knight in the round table" the one that the sword is in. I dove from one thought to the next and thought of the movie, the fairytale, and then my present situations. I thought of all my friend, my foes, and situations. I thought about how Fiske is home and I hardly see him, about Adam W and how I was the last on the list, Amanda struggling through the last of the school year, Ellen and Steve, Proms, Briana life guarding, Chelsea and Eric dancing around the night, Colleen roughing it in the woods of who knows where, Steve and the hair, Joeli and her going to MIT, Elizabeth and how I almost killed her, Angelo Becky and I one night, and everyone and everything. I loved just thinking and remembering all details.

"Jungle love is driving me’s making me crazy"

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved Honest and trustworthy. .Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical

Saturday, May 22, 2004


The suspense of waiting at a hair salon is a great feeling. Seeing all the girls walk in focused on looking their best, and bringing in pictures of how they desire to look is hilarious. The transformation on some is incredible, first advances are from the average girl after an hour or so out walks a new sexy women ready to conquer the night! Jaq and I both changed drastically, my knotted hair was out of line and Quetta told me the so. After half and hour or so, my hair had body, and was curled...a stance I'd never seen of myself before. I liked it more than being up; however, Jaq looked great with it up! She had two princess curls down the back, and knots on the top. Someone told Jaq it was impossible for her to get dressed up, everyone’s jaws dropped around 7:30 when I was arm and arm with Wesley, followed by Jaq and Jared.

Back to the beginning...around 5:50, we ran out of the cut place, rolled up all the windows, and traveled back to Jaqs house, to be shocked with tons of her family members. Her two Aunts and Grandmother were in the kitchen, telling us how great our dates looked, and how wonderful we looked already. I was first to get makeup done by one of her Aunts and I was so happy when Jared, and Wes came out of their room all dressed up...they looked so sharp, I couldn't help my smile-I must have looked retarded because I couldn't stop smiling. I yelled for Jaq, and she bolted down the stairs, did a little dance, and yelped with surprise!

Pinning the flowers on both Wes, and Jared was difficult but gratifying! We took a few pictures on the stairwell, and outside. We were off for a night of fun... and about 1/2 hr late for the limo. We had to take more pictures with the limo, and the driver instructed us about no smoking, drinking, or drugs. We had to make a short stop for ice, and four people in our limo got out to smoke cigs not even five minutes into our journey. Grossed me out so much, I couldn't believe it.

We walked into the Crown Plaza to the deans, principles, and superintendent. Mr. Mitchell said hello to me, and remarked about my beautiful gown...but I quickly proceeded inside. I soon saw a few friends, exchanged laughs and compliments. Mr. Mayne saw me and was amazed at how much I can change with combed hair, and nice dress on. I always love to surprise people with how I can look because it is so abnormal for me.

Prom continued with dinner, pictures, and dancing!! I loved it...deja vu for hours dancing with Wesley. All I could think about was doing the same thing only three years ago before he moved to California. It was amazing to believe that his parent let him spend $200 on a plane ticket, and more on limo, flowers, and pictures. Prom ended with a few hugs, and a walk back to the limo.

I stopped short in front of Corrie Haley, a girl I have looked up to for three years now. I wrote her a letter a couple days ago after our last volleyball game. Her along with others were crying, and very upset about our loss and the end of our season. I wrote her to thank you for the little smiles each day, and making my year, and her last season great. In any event... I wanted to thank her in person, and I hope that she understands how much it meant to me each day, even though conversations was difficult, and we were never good friends.

We all led the limo driver back to Leeann’s house, and we changed and were ready for round 2 of prom night! We dropped Wesley off at Tim Horton’s for his mom, and met Justin who was going to camp out with us. We went to Burlingame, and set up camp. Bonnie and Matt came a little later and slept with us too.
Highlights of camping were:
1. Baby time
2. The environmental Police
3. Matt’s mom trying to check up on us and going to my house

We awoke early in the morning, and left at 11.

All in all, wonderful night... can't wait to do it all again this Friday with Steve!! Its going to be great I can't wait!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

The suspense is over...

The material girl keeps it coming...

1. Prom tomorrow and next friday
2. Wesley comes tomorrow, and shadows me
3. People are weird
4. Girls can be crazy
5. My mom and I continue the fights
6. My volleyball team lost against EP and are out of playoffs
7. Summer is here with warm weather
8. We have around 12 days left without finals
9. My brother is becoming the regular old pothead
10. Coach Mayne had a long talk to me about staying out of trouble
11. I'm not failing Chemistry
12. Adam is home
13. I got a great phone call from Laura
14. My CCSP presentation went well, and I got complimented on having great desire, and dedication

and I'm out...

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Hello audience... I lasted a day and a 1/2!! Damn, Amanda was laying on my bed and I just touched her hand. I ruined our week bet, I suck. Gotta know, I love all my buds!

**(sorry mom)


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

So whos going to be the one to tell me how many lives I've screwed up in the past two years... Damn, I'm sorry!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

I'm sure its been awhile!

Schools been a drag but there is only a month and a half left which leaves the entire school in an uproar for summer! I've been trying to focus on classes, BIG AP HISTORY TEST, and SAT's but somehow I always get sidetracked. It’s like a spider weaving its web. I'm the spider weaving, in hopes of catching my prey, but not too soon am I distracted by this other spider down the branch from me having a grand time just sleeping, so I go and join. Chemistry is still hard for me, but I'm assured that if I never missed as many days as I have I would understand it more. Most of my teachers are pretty aggravated at me for missing, but alas I don't mind all to much.

Junior Prom is in three weeks, and I've had to do most of the preparations for that because Wesley is in CA! I can't wait to see him, w have hardly talked in years, and I've only seen a few pictures of him over the internet, but I'm sure that we still loads in common and are going to have a blast. Jaq and I are getting our hair done together by Laquetta, and her mother is doing makeup and stuff, which I'm not too fond of. Jaq, Jared, Wesley and I are driving up in a Saab of Jaqs father, and afterwards staying at my friend’s summer house in C-town meeting up our friends Matt Reagan and Bonnie Clayton!

Senior Prom is the week after Junior, and I'm excited for that as well. Steve and I are going to have a blast. I can't wait... Steve and I have gotten in our ups and downs in this friendship, but now we can get along, and are both very excited for this summer!! CBC what! We first were on the beach March 1, and it sure was cold but the weather is warming up and everyone is excited.

In the past couple of weeks I saw Kill Bill 2, which was great; however, the fight scenes weren't as great as the first. I did enjoy the five point heart exploding trick though, and ripping out the eye ball! Also I went to a story of the year concert with a group full of friends, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I tend to always get first or second row, and get a beating from it. They were good with performance and the crowd enjoyed themselves seen by the numerous crowd surfers. In New York I went to Broadway with a couple other English classes and saw The Producers. Although the bus ride was long, it was worth it. The producers was a hilarious play, no one could help but laugh. I switched seats with some guy to sit with Amanda, and Ellen which proved to be fun, even with the rude man in front of us, yelling at me constantly.

This weekend initially was Metal Fest but plans fell through early on. Next, I was suppose to be grounded, but talked to my mother about it, and she finally agreed that if I call her during a concert before 12 to tell her that I am going to be late, then I could go out. So after canceling plans at URI for yellow card, SoCo, and Less than Jake, Justin Boiano and I headed up to Providence to see The Bouncing Souls!! Upon arrival we met up with Pat, John, Ian, and Nick and we all headed inside. I talked and got hit on by this one "bouncer” if you will. The show started with a great moshing band who I didn't really know of. Avail put on a great show that I wasn't expecting, and I grabbed their play list from the bassist. In the break I met these five girls from the Boston area, two of which went to Emerson, and they were fanatical. We talked a little while, and not until they started screaming "I love the Bouncing Souls, Brian is so hottttt" I understand the reality of crazy women. The start was well thought out, and good, and the lead singer was so casual I loved it. Eric is going to be bummed when he finds out what a great show he missed. After the numerous slams to the head, the beatings stopped affecting me, and I enjoyed myself more. The girl standing next to me, asked for me to get her on stage, which i did, and she ran around, danced, and got a picture taken with the "oh so hottttttt Brian" and crowd surfed off stage, finally returning to me! All of a sudden plastering her to my face!! Dangerous situation but I loved it anyways!

Next on the agenda was the final product of weeks of lies and planning!! Amanda Sherwood’s surprise party which turned out to be a great success! She thought she was going over Curly’s house to go to Denny’s for a birthday dinner, she walked in shocked and started yelling "you are all fired." We casually chuckled, and headed to the door to start the birthday beatings and hugs. After awhile of running around outside, tickle fests, and upside down fights Ellen and I headed to the food starting a trend! Next was pyramid time which "team A(my team: me, Mike O, Ellen, Allison, Jake, curly)" dominated! Oh and the opening of presents. Kaila’s "sex gift" was first and then mine. I felt bad, because mine was sure going to be hard to follow! The first HUGE box was covered in classifieds from the paper (she is 16 now, she needs to find a job which her mom agreed with me on) and inside there is a bunch of crap, and you find the first box. That box reads "Last year, my grandmother told me that your life changes, and you learn some important lessons, and of course my mom ruined it by asking me if I needed birth control. As your friend, I’m not here to do that, but I will teach you a few things." Opening that box are two little ones, in the first one there is a jell-o box wrapped in Victoria secret women photos. At the bottom of the box it reads "If you want to play with balls you better learn how to control them" and inside are tons of marbles. In the next box there is another jell-o box also wrapped with women. On the bottom it says "you were taught to respect the ocean, now learn to respect what it says." Inside there are all seashells and rocks I collected from the beach, and I wrote on a few "I love you" and "Happy 16th"(I had to put something sappy in there). Next she had to dig through more crap, to find the next box (a popcorn box covered with more women) and it reads... "The best defense against pregnancy is keeping your pants on" and if you continue it says "and if that doesn't fend the fellas off whip out your brass knuckles." Inside this box is a belt that I bought her. The story with this is that I broke a belt one day right off her pants so I had to get her a new one. So she reaches to the bottom of the crap to find a third box reading "Always keep your eyes and heart on what you really need TO DO!" She opened the box and inside was a t-shirt I made her. It said on the front

To Do List
~ Geometry pg 152 #1-42
~ Study for Bio test
~ English paragraph
~finish magazine article...

And on the back it said

~ Do Danielle Twice

And on the bottom has a quote
~ "After that one I had to go out back and smoke a fatty"

The big inside joke, is that she really did have a to do list one day in her room, and I saw it and wrote Do Danielle Twice on it. Her mother found it one day and they had a conversation about if it was true. Amanda said "No mom, I'm not a lesbian, and no I'm not doing Danielle." Her mom replied "Well good, because after that one I had to go out back and smoke a fatty!" So I made her a t-shirt for it...which was perfect!

The night continued with a great talk I had with Ellen!!! hehe!! I loved just getting to know her better, but then everyone had to come and join us in Amanda’s room! The party was a great amount of cuddling, like always, running around, and talking!! All in all the night ended with a long trip back to my house from Sean with Ellen, Mike O, and Ainsley!