Sunday, February 29, 2004

Bright Eyes and Friends!

Live at the Strand Feb 27 was Bright eyes and Friends, a sold out concert I had the chance of snagging a ticket! Hailey, Katherine, Ellen, and myself suited up, drove out, and waited in line for about twenty minutes.

Introducing M-Ward a solo artist amazingly played guitar, and "ooed" the crowd with his flow of fingers. Later introducing the harmonica, he gave a very mellow tone to the start of the show. The four of us stared out against a rail not on center floor -together- but after Adam showed up Hailey and I opted to go up and sit with he and his friends. In the back of the Strand are couches and there sat a group of people, but I didn't know anyone except for a few from Chariho including Jarret Blinkhorn and Albe Larson. A group of people sat smoking, mouthing lyrics, and discussing topics with everyone. I stood mostly alone against a rail listening to both parties( stage group, and friends) somewhat evasdropping on topics around me. I hardly spoke with anyone, but let Hailey STARE and talk to Adam!!!

The next artist, Jim James, a player from My Morning Jacket whom of which I enjoy listening to took the stage and continued to ease the crowd into a slight trance of sleep. He reminded me much of Jack Johnson or Dave Mattews(solo). I slowly turned around to face the goup behind me and spoke with Adam and Hailey, but I let my eyes roam to enjoy the difference in people, and dress. This woman came in with brown leather 4in heels, and a Japenese looking "body suit" with a black hat. She was funny to look at and I enjoyed thinking what she would look like when not completly making a fool of herself. Another girl walked past me dressed in a tight band shirt, skimpy skirt, with such fluffy white boots that you couldn't help to bark to yourself, thinking of small puppies on each foot. *ARFF ARFF*

Bright Eyes, slowly took the stage and played with "the friends." You could tell exactly when he roamed his way on stage for the massive of people standing, staring without a discussion as before. I as well gazed over and adored his voice. A great many of songs were distinctly new, with a few from lifed, and fevers and mirrors.

Overall there were too many friends, not enough of Conner Oberst!! As one said, the atmosphere was more of a social event, with backround music you loved and could sing to. I highly enjoyed myself and the company of good friends! I hope to see another Bright Eyes show, hopefully with more of my favorite songs: "padric my prince," and "lover I don't have to love."

"But You should never be embarresed by,
your trouble with living"
--Bright Eyes

signed D. Cross

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Cherry on top!

I. I hate when you go to a doctors office five minutes early to make sure to be on time, but you end up waiting in the office for over twenty minutes. My time and the other patients time is just as important as any doctors.

II. I hate playing volleyball outside in the winter. The stinging of the ball on fresh skin has a horrible intensity that leaves your arm beat red and sore for over 30 minutes.

III. Washing dishes by hand. Self-explanatory...being boring housework.

IV. I hate people that don't know what roman numerals are, and those who ask a teacher how you make them when you are typing. "Do I have to insert a symbol?"

V. Crazy Librarians who yell at your for trying to have student council meetings.

VI. When books you needed for your research paper come in two days late, and having a teacher tell you just after your annotated bibliography is due; therefore, can not use them for your paper.

VII. I hate people who pull up to a drive-up speaker and scream upon reaching the spot "HELLO?" When you pull up, a ding inside the head set alerts all workers you are there. If they do not answer right upon arrival, they are busy with some obnoxious task their boss set for them, and will help you ASAP.

VIII. Phones in general. I dislike talking on them for great lengths of time and in general use as well.

IX. Dripping faucets! The sound is horribly annoying after only a few minutes.

X. Pettiness, and those that are highly obnoxious. There are places and times in which both are acceptable, but not on someone else’s time, or where stupidity should not overcome intelligence. (CATION: use stupidity is small commodities)

XI. Sleeping through your alarm after a nap until the next morning with a realization that you've forgotten a great portion of work.

XII. People who don't take their job seriously and persistently call out a few hours before leaving you responsible to cover for their uselessness.

XIII. I hate when someone turns your backpack inside out, and zippers it shut with all your books and personal items enclosed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

it was so creepy today, though
i was going to class
and there was this person sitting on a chair in the wedge
looked just like you
and then waved at me
so I started going over
but then I was like, there is no way it could be you
so, I turned suddenly and went out the door
but then I kept on thinking of last night, and i was thinking there could have been the slightest chance
but if it was you, you would have gotten up, and not simply just waved
so, then when I got back from class, you weren't online anymore
oh man, you have no idea
i was so paranoid
my blankets were in a bunch
and the first thing I did was lift them up
it was ridiculous
so thats why i had the away message "where are you?"
my imagination does weird things to me
i must have freaked that person out, though, walking halfway directly at them while staring directly at them

Monday, February 23, 2004

I learned about about people today planning my little game of random thoughts...

Emmierox1421 (6:37:05 PM): I love strawberries
Emmierox1421 (6:38:30 PM): one point I had 7 cats and 2 dogs
Emmierox1421 (6:40:44 PM): I am studying French, have studied Spanish and German, know a little Gaelic and Japanese and Chinese and know the American Sign Language alphabet and a few random signs
Emmierox1421 (6:42:48 PM): Nooo...ummm...I'm the least sexual person I know but I've had more relationships than almost anyone I know as well
Emmierox1421 (6:44:25 PM): I was in love with two best friends at the same time
Emmierox1421 (6:48:18 PM): I love to write poetry
Emmierox1421 (6:48:42 PM): And it sounds self centered but I love to read it afterwards
Emmierox1421 (6:58:26 PM): The more I try to hide things about myself and become a blank slate to the world, the more self conscious I become - this goes for physical things as well, in a sense, if I dress up all sexy then I feel really don't feel it

Rabidlyeccentric (6:39:05 PM): i cant hurt anything. i can never kill an animal or even bug. but id hurt a person. overall i liek some poeple but as a whole i dont
Rabidlyeccentric (6:41:45 PM): i enjoy kissing everyone. woman and men alike. i wish everyone was as comfortable as me kissing
Rabidlyeccentric (6:42:19 PM): im in love with nature
Rabidlyeccentric (6:43:49 PM): i hate when random people i usually dont talk to online just randomly IM me for homework..i hate it...sooo much
Rabidlyeccentric (6:44:48 PM): i love the song bitter sweet sympony, it makes me get teary
Rabidlyeccentric (6:46:17 PM): sometimes i think my problems are annoying to other people so i just stop talking about myself with friends Rabidlyeccentric (6:47:02 PM): i touch people when I feel comfortable expressing how much i like them
Rabidlyeccentric (6:47:46 PM): i went to church when i was younger because i wanted to explore the relgion but then stopped going because i thought it was stupid
Rabidlyeccentric (6:48:15 PM): i enjoy nibbling. and i enjoy being nibbled
Rabidlyeccentric (6:50:47 PM): im in love with that william churchill guy (sp)
Rabidlyeccentric (6:53:40 PM): i hate poeple who stifle others opinions
Rabidlyeccentric (6:55:01 PM): i absolute hate the goverment in a non anarchy way
Rabidlyeccentric (6:57:41 PM): any type of confrentation or uneasy feelings or fights or the slightest tiffs makes me soo anxious i just want to throw up to cry
Rabidlyeccentric (7:00:29 PM): if im sick or dont feel good. i never bother anyone about it. like before whenmy ribs really hurt i didnt do aynthing about it because i dont liek bothering my parents to go to the hospital and stuff because i think its a waste of money
Rabidlyeccentric (7:02:00 PM): i get sick of boys easily once i have them
Rabidlyeccentric (7:09:32 PM): i tend to be overly flirty whcih makes people think i like them. but then i tend to liek them but i like a lot of people.
Rabidlyeccentric (7:13:26 PM): i liek gwen stefina is so hott and awesome
Rabidlyeccentric (7:15:42 PM): i get so extremley jealous
Rabidlyeccentric (7:19:32 PM): i feel peoples emotions really well. i think im psycic (sp). emotions just hit me like a ton of bricks. how everyoe the person im with is feeling i can just feel it clearly.a sean nd i can almost read eachothers minds. we think we are soul friends
Rabidlyeccentric (7:25:05 PM): i dont let people see my cry. i always stuff it back inside. i usually let myself out while watching a movie by myself
Rabidlyeccentric (7:27:38 PM): i take everything seriously
Rabidlyeccentric (7:28:50 PM): i give advice but never take it
Rabidlyeccentric (7:32:44 PM): whenever someone says "i have tot ell you someting." or "theres something thats bothering me" online i always get sooo nervous. my whoel body burns up and i start to shake and sweat. its wicked odd. i get wicked anxious like its going to be terrible
Rabidlyeccentric (7:37:52 PM): im very lustful

armenianenforcer (6:50:41 PM): I am afraid of Lightning and thunderstorms
armenianenforcer (6:51:59 PM): I have never gone skinnydipping
armenianenforcer (6:53:34 PM): I want to take singing lessons, so that I can sing someday, and have it be not painful
armenianenforcer (6:54:38 PM): I take too many things for granted
armenianenforcer (6:55:17 PM): My potential greatly exceeds my effort ( I am a lazy fuck )
armenianenforcer (6:56:44 PM): I can never leave a situation unsettled, or else it tears me apart
armenianenforcer (6:57:32 PM): I am overly emotional and cry often ( once a month being often )
armenianenforcer (6:58:02 PM): My favorite food is candy
armenianenforcer (6:59:16 PM): I give in easily to peer pressure
armenianenforcer (6:59:52 PM): I want to move out of my hosue
armenianenforcer (7:03:15 PM): I have trouble expressing emotion

Sunday, February 22, 2004

1. Copy this whole list
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Whatever you don't put in bold is flase.

01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions
02. I don't watch much TV these days

03. I love psychadelic mushrooms
04. I love sleeping
05. I have loads of books
06. I once slept in a toilet
07. I love playing video games
08. I adore marijuana
09. I watch porn movies
10. I watch them with my father
11. I like sharks
12. I love spiders, I think they're adorable, especially the ones with bright colours on their backs
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair
14. I like J. Bush
15. People are cool
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year

17. I have jacuzzi and a Porsche
18. I have a lot to learn
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself
20. I'm really really smart
21. I've never broken someone's bones
22. I have a secret
23. I hate snow

24. I drink only milk
25. Punk rock rules
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food
28. I would hate to be famous
29. I am not a morning person
30. I wear glasses

31. I don't need glasses, except sunglasses
32. I have potential
33. I'm pure Japanese
34. My legs are two different sizes
35. I have a twin
36. I wear a padded bra
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing
38. I'm left-handed
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them
40. I don't like horror movies
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway
42. People hate me usually
43. I love pop music
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight
45. I hate parking fines
46. I know national anthem of my country by heart
47. I know more than two languages
48. I spend too much time on the computer
49. I often want to throw out the computer in a window
50. I live on a ground floor
51. I don't like chocolate
52. I'd like to be more original
53. I've lied
54. Cocks are my favorite birds
55. I want to conquer the world
56. I wonder what happens when you die
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter
58. Eat your dog!(haha, what?)
59. I love to exercise.
60. I hate chemistry with a passion
61. I love to write
62. I like changes

63. I hate going to class
64. I am afraid to die
65. I hate dish washing
66. My hair is long, brown

67. My nails are nine inch long
68. My favorite color is black
69. I like to sleep on the floor
70. I am hopeless at cooking
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little.
72. I should be doing something else rather than writing this
73. I am online a lot, but not in MSN

74. I hate government
75. I don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend
76. I'm too nice for my own good.
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can
78. I don't trust newspapers
79. I like debating
80. I live in a vagon
81. I clean my room once a month
82. I'm scared of american fast food
83. I have a third eye
84. I love Mozambique
85. I don't trust any religion
86. I used to play with barbies because all the other girls were doing it
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little
88. I like listening to wind chimes
89. I'm very disorganized

90. My hair is long and straight
91. I earn a lot
92. I don't like spicy food
93. I keep a diary/journal
94. I can't do cartwheels
95. I am very lazy
96. I'm sarcastic

97. I think my hair is annoying
98. I'm very sensitive
99. I love being "ab-normal"
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue.

Saturday, February 21, 2004


Recently I've been home to a new nickname at the Major home.

One day, not far off from the land of Charlestown, a young girl was delightfully warm bathing in a hot tub occupied by many friends. The snow look perfect from the glow of relative moonlight, despite the darkened sky and glistened like an open fire. Reaching slowly out of the warmth, she peered at the snow with anticipation. Rendering enough courage she raced outwards quickly followed by two friends. Leaping into the snow, her mouth widened with great surprise. She began to flail her arms and legs, producing a picturesque angel in the snow. With gratification she raced eagerly and gleefully to the steaming warmth. With a picture of proof she is now known as the one and only, snow angel, providing happiness, and comfort among the habitants of the Major household.

Friday, February 20, 2004

I'm positive that spiders are the animal in which the human mind is most alike. The webs spiders build each day, always get knocked down, only to be rebuilt, as eagerly as possible. Every individual person is encorporated into their own web. May it be lies, or previous memories, we all can be dull, and only capable to reminice up prior mistakes again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Saturday consisted of work at Bess Eaton, no other than boring, and three wasted hours, but afterwards I asssumed my postion in the social atmosphere of Valentines Day! Mike stopped me before work, with a box of choclates, Steve stoppped at Bess Eaton with a gift as well. I was gleefully surprised!

The clean patrol and I went to work against the dirt infested in my house, and successfully cleaned my entire house before my mother returned home. Doom night was upon us, Justin Leah and I stopped to get junk food, picked up Adam, and drove to Karyns house to join the fun! We ended up playing Twister for awhile, but soon drove ourselves crazy. Adam and I switched numerous clothing items and stepped outside. We sat by the fire talking for awhile, when Justin decided to join. Adam and I have never really been alone to talk, so it was nice. I really miss hanging out, and even listen to 99.3 in his grandmothers truck.
(Memories: getting chased by Beck/ Tom in Charlestown, slamming my head into the back of his truck, falling asleep sweating and watching Family Guy, "Why didn't Becky come you scare her," numerous movie dates, and the scavenger hunt starting in Bess Eaton.) I digress..

Sunday was the famous girl sleepover aka estrogen fest. Except for the surprise by Matty-pie, Kevin, Justin, and Mike who crashed my party, and serenaded us with guitar! It was nice, as Kelsey replied...very low-key and relaxed which was nice! I always am amazed on how much you can learn about a person in the manner in which they associate themselves with others. Some choice not to try and sit on a computer for hours, despite the numerous people jumping around, and others cling to another person constantly talking and being included in a large gathering. No clothes were removed....except for Shelana early in the morning, playing DDR!

Monday I was awoken several times when peoples parents either called or showed up. Alia stayed until mid-afternoon; however, Liz and Shelana were still here with my brother as I left at 7pm. Kevin, Mike, Alia, and I ressumed comfortable positions on Kevins bed after a nice home cooked meal to watch a couple movies. As usual the ladies fell asleep, and we came back to my house to play DDR where Alia again feel asleep and spent the night.

Tuesday Alia and I slept until two in the afternoon and she left shortly after. I went to Bess Eaton and was pleasantly surprised by Steve. We went back to my house, accompanied by Alia, Kevin, Mike, and Justin. DDR fest once again! Movies after all left but Kevin and Alia. Alia and I soon feel asleep in my bed around 4 or so, after talking to Kevin. I called Paul back in AZ and we talked about things in our l ives, and how we promised to marry. He is exactly like me except in male form. I don't know how I am going to marry so many people. We talked about the divine number, and this picture he is creating with the pentagram, The Divinci Code, and the works of Vonnegut. He expressed his concerns about school, and a mutal friend of ours but we parted and promised to keep in touch.

Today has been great. I got rudly awaken by my mother, because of the horid smell in my room, that of which she assumes is Alia. I later visited my grandmother, and my Aunt Sue who was down with her children from CT. My Aunt is big knitter these days and gave me a few patterns for mittens, and a hand bag. Who knows if I will complete any tasks other than those already completly knitted in my room. Eh...who knows!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Last night was interesting...a complicated driving time with Jaq, Justin, and Adam meeting us at the Living Room. Bile, More.Machine.Than.Man, Absynthe, Halfhead, Tragedy Ann, and Cold Read. A plethora of bands, not all the best, but when drunken bile took the stage everyone gathered around, and enjoyed the music all the same.

The man at the door, was extremly persistant as to not let us out for a quick second, and being an ass, Adam offered to pay him again to get back in. I realized the mans seriuosness and kindly told Jaq, and Adam I'd stay inside out of respect. Of course, the man was very apologetic, and he and I talked to a minute or two, about the rules police have been setting for the club, and how the community hopes to make it a 21 plus club, because of idiots like Adam. AT most our converstation was amusing and I expressed my respect for him trying to keep his buisness at a high, and we parted uneasily, but quickly I drew towards Justin.

The Living Room is positively the most dirt filled place I have ever been to. It took Jaq and I three minutes to pull together some ingenuity of holding the stall door, trying not to look at crazy ass girls, and go to the bathroom the same time. Not to touch the walls, or toilet...indeed a difficult time!

Sometimes I do not understand why woman persist to take off their clothes on my command. It is a great power, I swear. Don't think I made the ugly prostitute strip on stage, because I was one in pushing Ians face towards her ass on stage, which blocking my view. However, this blonde girl, Sarah was dancing and I walked behind her, and started dancing. She began to take her top off, and caress me, just as if in a club dancing to a hot techno beat. Another blonde(who I didn't catch her name), had dreds to her ass began stripping, and Sarah helped her! I would wisper in Sarahs ear and she would complete the task without question. Ian, Kyle, Christine, Jaq, Adam, and Justin were amazed at my power over even straight woman.

Confrintatioin concluded between Jaq, and Adam...but after a quick leave by him, we all snuggled close on the floor to keep warm, and kept enjoying the music! All in all a good night, and a great drive back to Charlestown at 330am!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I had something to say about volunteering earlier today...but I just got a phone call from Wesley Dickerson, that I didn't pick up because I didn't recognize the number. But push to shove, he is flying out to be my prom date!! I haven't seen him in over three years, and we used to be such great friends... So I have two great prom dates this year, I couldn't be more happy!!

May 21 Junior Prom with Wesley Dickerson

May 28 Senior Prom with Steve Major

Monday, February 09, 2004


As many well have known, I volunteer almost every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at Charlestown Elementary school. My experiences in a first grade class reached great extents, and today is absolutely no different.

As soon as I walk in, some children are eager to see me and others continue there work, and it is interesting to see the different personalities and actions.

Today, this girl called me over quickly, and I bent down, looking at her face, and I had concern, for her face was scrunched, and sulky. I asked what the matter was. She began relaying an entire story about another girl in t he class. How this girl teases her, poked fun at her work, kicked her in gym class, and talked badly about her to others, and she told me how sad she was because Samantha was doing all this. I began to be positive, saying that she didn't mean it, and she was probably saying nice things to people about her, and to concentrate on her work, not to worry. She asked me to help, and I told her I would sit down and talk to each of them at the same time after class.

Later in the class, Mrs. Hamilton, the teacher I work with, is blatantly yelling at the young girl about writing notes, and took the newest one from her tiny hands. The small child began to cry; however, the teacher held her ground, and scolded the girl. I watched intently, for the meaning of this yelling wasn't understood to me. As I had promised I asked Samantha if she had been saying things about the girl, she pulled out this folder full of notes, that she was to give to her mother that the girl had written to her. Not to mention, these are not friendly notes. I told the girl that I meant no harm, I was just asking.

After the students had left for the busses, I talked to Mrs. Hamilton and apparently both parents had been calling in complaining about the other student. Mind you these girls are six years old, and already fighting, lying, and criticizing others. I don't remember any experiences such as these, but as a young child, I never cared for many others, and mostly kept to myself, I loved school. I still sit in amazement of the absurdity of these awful situations both girls are putting themselves into.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I've never better than your latest plan!!

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Why does doubt paint blue rings
beneath my eyes, and stain my skin?
Why does my spine assume failure
Why do my lips flirt with the sky;
why do I try to lasso beauty with such a pitiful rope?
Where is my sling
Where is my stone, my gun?
Where is the weapon with which
I may fight this apathy
that feels like sleep in my limbs
that loosens my brothers smile
that kills my neighbors daughter
this pen is scrawny and hardly
seems able to ink out
or ease this plague that
infests my generation
This giant
this ogre
this beast
this death that assumes
a million faces, that borrows mine