Monday, November 03, 2003

"You're fifteen?"

So at Martys house, I had the pleasure of meeting many new people, and also meeting some Chariho graduates that stayed around town...

It was that of a paradox in time. I felt like I was walking through the halls for t he first time, looking around at everyone, so frightened and intiimidated. So young--and indeed I was standing completly sober next to a 25 year old man, telling me that it is not only a converstaion he hopes to continue with me.

However, from across a cloudy room, I recognized a guy I had seen over and over again through the Bess Eaton window, where in fact I had met many people. Billy, I learned was his name. He became very personal, sat next to me, calling me over and over "the hot Bess Eaton chick" sipping from his cup and talking with me, after realizing the friendlyness I encompassed in my personality.

We spoke for most of the time I was there, about different life aspects, and what I believed to be true about him, by just the information he told me in a small conversation. Later learning deeper means for his fright of failure, and the "problems" he encompassed thus far in life. From women, family, his cousin committing suicide and effects, to school work, religion, politic viewpoints, and thoughts of panic/anxiety attacks.

Later he took me to his car, to listen to his own music, which was an interesting experience. Sitting in a car, watching him put in an older cd, in which was evident had not been listened to since it was burned. He explained that he can only bear to listen to this particular cd with someone he feels comfortable enough with; moreover, that he does not drive off the rode into a ditch. Billy felt content when he brings another into his music thus, relating him to another...not just his thoughts, which tend to be frightening.

Also, I got accused of hitting on Martys girlfriend, which was pretty funny, and clinging to Cindy... I really miss hanging out with her, we had some fun times, it'd be nice to get to know her as well. I realized there is always something behind an innocent face.

au revoir...


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