Saturday, October 25, 2003

"Put a fucking shirt on me"

Another dance....

The usual duo of Colleen and I driving some uneager person up to Rehobeth Mass under the false pretentions of "clubbing, or dancing," when not understood that it would be a nice of line dancing, and ass grabbing by older people...little did we know that today would be CRAZY!!

Even though I didn't think I was going to be able to make it up....and not by any meaning, unable to bring Shelana I skillfully pleaded for an hour ride up to mass....

1. Meeting Jess, Colleen(a diff one), NIcole, Kelly and introducing them to myself, Tony Morris, and Jeff(a goof ball from URI)

2. Dancing around being kissed then pushed into Chelseas mother with a blank look on my face, and unable to say a word to her about what just happened with her daughter.

3. Sitting with 4 people with legs spread in a shape of a snowflake, then being stared at my EVERYONE, and later leaving to prance around the patio with all the people in 30* weather. We continued to exchange clothing, with the idea of Chelsea and I running out of the crowd, and taking off our clothes. It proceeded to engage everyone else!!

4. We returned to our playful attitudes downstairs, at the bottom of libary hall, and proceeded to joke around and dirty dance with everyone, turning ourselves inside out and creating a huge racket in the hall with eight people.

5. Dancing with Jess was so much fun, and after having a little problem, and chelsea helping me out her and I had a nice talk upstairs while watching the dance. Everyone is such good dancers, wish I could do some things alittle better atleast. I always love improvement...

6. Chelsea runs upstairs as fast as she can, screaming that I have to be the guy, to this one dance that her boyfriends father plays in. Mind you, I've only been the guy once before and wasn't really sure what to do, but I did okay, at least, I didn't recieve any compliants!

7. Goodbye hugs, and kisses were indeed done atleast 5 times, and no one wanted to leave......

8. The night was concluded with a sleepover with colleeny, Chelsea, and myself...a great conclusion to a wonderful night!!


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