Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Silly Houston....

1. Knitting is relaxing, and I have only heard of a small group of my friends how knit reguarly...I'll teach you sometime
2. Why should woman shave if there is no reason? I don't mind, nor does Steve, or anyone else that sees them...except Eric, and Chelsea (I did shave when I went dancing last weekend!)
3. You love my burt out hippie ways
4. I do my own taxes...thats bad that mommie has to do yours!!
5. To be gay and to parade around, only caring that people know that you are gay is unproufound; however, if you act civilized than it is fine. I find no problem with gay couples together. People who don't flaunt the fact they are straight, so you shouldn't flaunt that you are homosexual. However, no one makes fun of people who are straight, and shouldn't bother them if they are homosexual either.
6. I think people in their late 60's and over should be tested when they have to renew their license for reaction times and such...but dieing in holes just for your rates to lower is dumb, people have lives, and aren't willing to be shunned to the confindes of their homes much like you aren't.

"Its cool if you like to be quite, but I like singing"
--Bright eyes

D. Cross


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