Saturday, August 30, 2003

Hung in my cluttered room, in a pair of favorite shirts hang with quite amazing strength.

This morning, my mother was urging me to continue cleaning my room; her reasoning being, it was making me sick. Although I thought quite different, I did as she wised in hope for no conflicts.

She ransacked my room, throwing things about in a fury of rage, and I sat helplessly looking a pictures being torn, and clothes being swung about in a chaotic manner I was aimlessly looking in every other possible direction not to unleash fuses in which I do not stand for such disrespect. To get off shirts, ah yes.

She grabbed, then and said, "Yelena should have never spent her money on something she had no intention for you to wear," referring to a tiny shirt depicting two lobsters on the front. "And this, who's creative idea was it to draw such obscene remarks upon another small shirt?" Clearly speaking of my "virgin no more shirt."

As she leaned reaching for my arms, I pulled back, and held strong onto my flustered would any young child with candy...tastes like---mmmm....choclate!


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